Wednesday, December 9, 2009


We are outside the Draper Temple! Braxton has been a great singer - he can remember the ends of all the phrases, or so we thought. When we went to the movies with Kristy's parents and Jennie Braxton started to sing the "Temple song" I love to see the Temple. and he sang the whole phrases to the first couple parts to the song. We were surprised - a little. He is a talker and really knows a lot. We have to be extra careful what we say because he learns and pays attention all the time.

Braxton in lactose intollerant, so we put water in his cereal, dip graham crackers in water, so naturally Braton thinks that water makes everything better . . . even Popcorn.

Watching a movie and Grandpa Case's house and inevitiably the boy fall asleep - i don't think the lights were even off this time.

Sunday - we are getting ready for church! Braxton is trying out Grandma Case's Preschool Dress-up suit coat! And he is actually wearing a tie - which he won't do now!

"Oh" says Braxton, "I fall asleep in random places and at random times - my mom doesn't know what to do with me sometimes."

1 comment:

kelgrandy said...

Your little guy is so handsome. I love the picture of him wearing a tie. You're going to have a hard time keeping the girls away from him :) Have you ever tried OJ on his cereal? It only works with some types of cereal, but I like it. My mom is lactose intolerant and she buys some type of 'milk' called lactaid. You can get it from Walmart. She says it's not bad.